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Hi everybody!

...and welcome to the sharing hope and blessings website for my devotional book, "A Journey to Hope With A Determined God." It is available online at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and other first-class online bookstores.

This website

... is about pure joy and hope and encouragement and love that is contained in God's Word. If you have received any of that from reading a devotional in my book, or from another place in the Bible in your own journey to hope, please ... please ... share it here so others might receive the same blessing.  There is no need to "sign up," or "register," or anything.  Just share.


... are cherished, but strictly monitored. No bad language, no bad attitudes, no politics, and no religious or theological arguing. Please respect the fact that this website is not an "opinion blog," it is not a "soapbox preaching" platform, nor is it a debate site.  It is -- specifically -- a "sharing hope" site: Christian hope from the pages of God's Holy Word. If your comment falls outside that scope, please do not be offended if it doesn't appear in the comments page.

Your Place in God's Plans

God's word tells us to "encourage one another"(1 Thessalonians 5:11).

You can have a beautiful place in God's plans by doing exactly that, every time you share the hope, encouragement and love you have received by spending time in the Bible.

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